Sunday, March 16, 2008

moving and feeling good

I know its been awhile since I updated and per Michael's request, I am finally writing again. My hiatus was mostly due to moving, not having internet at home for awhile (ok three days, but it seemed like an eternity) and also limiting my internet surfing time at work rather taking a real lunch.

I am officially a Ballard resident now, well for a week and no I don't have a free Ballard bumper sticker. The move went really well thanks to many awesome friends who came to help. I am almost completely unpacked besides the bathroom, I even have pictures hung up thanks to Carla! I am trying to be diligent about picking up after myself, keeping the apartment neat/orderly so I don't go back into old habits. Today I even cooked my first meal in the apartment- eggs and hashbrowns, nothing fancy but still a first. I even found out that one of my burners smokes and how I forgot how long an electric stove takes to heat up. I will take pictures soon, but want to get the boxes out of the living room. I even have my first tentative house/birthday party scheduled! Most of all, it is starting to feel like home. Yes, I miss QA, my super hot long showers with the awesome pressure, but for now until I figure out how to turn up the water heater, they are more lukewarm with minimal water pressure- yes, time for a new shower head. I first was unsure about my Three's Company/70's lackluster apartment, however I have come to appreciate it and grow to like it. No I don't love it yet, but its turning out pretty cute plus its not freezing like my other place. Several mornings I have woken up hot, believe me that never happened in the old apartment. I feel content here. There's serenity. Living alone is nice. Everyone told me I would like it, they were right. It's not a bad thing.

Life has been really good lately. I find myself surrounded by "good people," I'm developing an awesome base of friends, trying new activities- kickball, bowling, book club, exercise classes, happy hours and other sorts of activities. I have things to look forward to every week, I like that. Being social makes me happy. However, I am working also on more inner peace. Last week I had kinda slipped in my strict diet, eating out often and ordering "banned foods" I was scared to step on the scale, stopped weighing myself daily and was convinced I had gained at least 5lbs. This weekend I finally did step on the scale, the number was the same. Seeing the number be the same validated several factors, one that I can enjoy going out etc, that I know how to watch what I eat/portions and can still maintain my weight without obsessively tracking my calories. Yes, I need to start going to the gym again, keeping up with being more toned/losing a few more pounds. Regardless, I am at happy weight and I have to realize I do look good. Trying to see myself naked in a more positive light has been a struggle even post weight loss, however its starting to be a bit more clear.

Right now I am excited for Florida. It's currently in the low 80's which is perfect beach weather! It will be fun to show Michael my favorite beach there, my escape place where the world seems to make sense. Plus I think we are going to a theme park, which I haven't done ever really. Seeing my dad will be good too, he's kinda now my rock parent that I don't appreciate enough for his generosity and support. Speaking of which I need to go tanning as my wedding tan is fading.

I promise to stay more updated with this, post links to interesting articles and share more about whats going on in my life. I haven't even had the change to read the NY Time in several days. Oh and I finally hit level 36 on WoW.

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